Friday, August 31, 2012

I Heart Mitt!

I'm not sure how much I'll be getting into the election this year, but I totally love Mitt. I'm 100% behind him, (I think it's probably because he reminds me so much of another certain amazing man I know...)  Still, I haven't been hyped up about the election this year like I have been in years past, where I'd listening to talk radio 6 hours a day and read too much online.  When I did that in years past, it just distracted me too much from my home and kids and left me feeling drained.  So, for the sake of my sanity and in an effort to be focused on what is most important in my immediate world of influence, I've had minimal contact with politics this election cycle.  Corey listens to more than I do while he's at work.  Last night he came home and we watched Mitt Romney's speech at the RNC last night, the kids joined us a little but we kept kicking them out cause they were playing tag and being to loud.  (You can see Abi in a blur in the photo below) Sophia was allowed to stay, it was funny to see her clap along with the crowd, even if she was nursing she would pull her hands around me or off to the side so she could clap.  She just loved all the clapping, it made me laugh.
I enjoyed hearing Mitt say basically what he'd give to go back in time and break up one more fight between their boys when they were kids.  Made me wonder, are these really the best years of my entire life?  I hope not, I really hope life keeps getting better, but at the same time I do know that there is something magical about having little kids under feet, cute little faces and tiny voices that depend on me and love me, and that are mine.  I kissed Sophi and tried to "behold" her a little longer last night.  I know these are special years.

So, my favorite line of the night came after he reminded us that "President Obama promised to 'slow the rise of the oceans' and to 'heal the planet.'  My promise is to help you and your family"  Yes!!!  Something real and tangible!  Please, help us! It was like a breath of fresh air.  Being the wife of an entrepreneur trying to make it happen in business while supporting a large family, we would love help!  But not with a handout or check from the government, just get rid of the taxes and regulations and paperwork garbage that keep biting at Corey's heels and that do nothing to help him and his dreams, they just get in the way.  Get rid of the mess in Washington.  I think/hope President Obama's heart is in the right place, but it's just not working and will not work.  We need Mitt.  And I totally love him, I love his character, his modesty and humility.  David French made these two great points , I especially loved the first - Mitt is not ashamed of his success, he is MODEST about his success.  "In fact, He is modest about every virtue in his life.  One of the most touching aspects of the entire convention was the parade of friends and church members who spoke about who Mitt is, because Mitt won’t do it himself.  In an era of self-glorification, led by a President with a false self-glorifying memoir, Mitt’s modesty is a refreshing change."

Here's one example of that if you missed it - his relationship with the Oparowski family is the antithesis of "the Life of Julia" - They are a real family who Mitt really and personally helped as opposed to a fictional character who was "helped" in theory by Pres Obama's policies.

Whoever wins, I know that ultimately it is the Lord that is in charge of this world and the things that are in the books to happen upon it.  I pray for Obama to be a good President and I pray for Mitt that he will be the next President.  I know it will be great! And if Obama wins, then I guess we deserve what's coming to us.  (...and we'll most likely head to Chile.)


  1. Tiff you make me laugh. Heading to Chile to get away from Obama...and work on Corey's business stuff. Just a good chuckle. And you made other good points about "beholding" our kids more, trusting in the Lord, and hoping we get what we want. All in good time I suppose.

  2. Well, maybe we won't head to Chile, (cause maybe we'll be heading to Jackson County...) I do have a "the end is near" feeling if obama wins
