Monday, August 20, 2012

Man Cold

Corey sick.  He's got a "man cold".
(Yesterday he was cracking me up - had that winter hat on all day to help "boil his head")

You might not have heard of the term "man cold" before, but if you watch this video, you will most likely find that you've dealt with the dreaded "man cold" once yourself...

We were both sick up at Park City a few weeks ago, playing toilet tag from 2 a.m. on for a whole night. I was able to function a little the next two days. (function = feed the kids, nurse the baby, change diapers, etc.) Corey attributed it to my making time in my life for regular exercise. Yes, I recovered quickly while my sweetheart is getting attacked again... it's just not fair.  Well, when a hard working man like my better half gets one of those nasty man colds, he deserves to be a little pampered.

Oh! I hear the bell ringing!  Time to go rub his forehead - He is my "poor little bunny!"


  1. Isn't that the truth? I remember when I got sick and felt like I had been run over by a bus but I kept at it and then my darling got it and called in sick to work and hid in our guest room in the basement.

  2. HILARIOUS video!!!! I'm always telling my guys, "I don't have time to get sick, this place is barely hanging on as it is!"
    Hope he's feeling better soon>
