Monday, August 6, 2012

Pool Time

Rub a dub dub, 8 kids in a hot tub

Well, we're back from Park City and the kids are already experiencing pool withdrawl. We went swimming everyday, and the kids loved it and I was able to read. They were very chapped by Thursday night which helped turn down their non-stop "Can I go swimming?" question, voted the most frequently asked question of the week. I'd be sitting in the room reading in the chair, when these two little eyes would pop over the back of the chair and peek down at me...
Then as she looked down into my face her little voice says "Can I go swim-ming?" saying swimming super quickly with a little upbeat skip in it there on the last syllable.

I usually let the older kids just come and go, I'd go out with the three little girls. I got in the pool a few times, but usually had the older kids help and I kept moving around my little chair so I could stayed safely hidden in the shade.
Lily liked the lady bug floatie
In the pool or out of the pool, she could figure out a fun way to play with it...
(For some reason it gave me the impression of some lady Gaga costume?)

Sophi loved the water, and the kids loved seeing her splash and squeel
Joe made sure to keep the upper hand over Ethan/Hyrum/Wes by retaining possession the ever coveted nose plugs that he guards with his life, sigh, do we really have to continue with these petty power struggles?
Some swimming goggles that their cousin's shared helped ease Ethan's pain - but they always make their upper lips look so goofy ~
Wes lost another tooth while he was swimming ~
Abi and Lily in their twinner swimsuits - there was one point on the first day where there were my two girls, a cousin, and 2 other little girls in these exact suits, funny.
Nothing says little girl like pink and tutus.

Ethan and Joe enjoyed competing in the MountainSide Olympics - Below Ethan just had his turn to compete in the "Yoga Ball Rodeo"
Joseph won the gold in that competition for holding on to the exercise ball for his record breaking 12 seconds of keeping his upper body, arms, and elbows all above water as he held fast to the ball - (his abs were sore for 5 days.)
But totally worth it for that gold plated plastic - ah, Victory is sweet!

1 comment:

  1. Lily seems to be a jolly little kid! Congratulations to Joseph! I wouldn’t be surprised if he experienced body aches for 5 days. It’s hard to stay that long, holding the exercise ball that way in the water. The most I can do is 1 second or not all. HAHAHA! =D

    Cathy Newman
