Monday, August 6, 2012

Paso Doble

When we went to the concert I missed this dance part cause we were out in the hall, so I just watched it and thought I'd share. Fun stuff.

A comment on YouTube mentions how they "Mormonized" her costume, I thought that was funny :)

During Katherine's first song, I sat there thinking that she looks so much like my little 4 year old Abi - they have the same big gorgeous eyes (got those from Corey) pretty smile, cute short blonde hair ~ and then I was having a vision of my little girl as adult and was getting a little choked up thinking "My little Abi - a grown woman! How did that happen so quickly?"

Then Ethan turned to me and whispered "Mom! She looks like Abi!" and I almost could have cried. I've got a house full of adults with amazing talents and abilities, they are just all currently trapped in tiny kid bodies. But they won't be this way forever so we better treasure each day with them. Childhood comes with an expiration date. Enjoy your beautiful kids.

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