Friday, August 24, 2012

Temple Open House

We went to the Brigham City Temple Open house this morning.
We went with my BFF Nicole and her kiddos, which said amazing woman drove from Maine to go to take her kids into the temple.  That, my friends, is dedication that would make the pioneers proud.  She's rock solid, one of those Silent Giant types, that's my Hermana.  We served as missionary companions together many years ago.  Hadn't seen each other for 5+ years from when we lived back East, but we talk almost every day via phone, we call them our "911" calls, but sometimes there's not an emergency that needs to be vented and we just chat and uplift each other. Here's she is as we watched an informative video before going into the temple.  (There is the lovely Nicole on the far right)

The Church is just awesome - I mean they turned a parking lot into a classroom with fake flowers and trees and everything.  It was great.  Nicole's got 6 kids and me with my 8, we looked great with our brood.  The kids were all exceptionally well behaved, minus Sophia.  Sophia was freaking out and being so noisy in the temple, it was a bit horrid, but hey, she's a baby, what ya gonna do - ya just gotta grin and bear it.  Although I do think it was the worst she's ever been in public.

She got some of it out of her system at the reception area afterwards as she screamed and shook her head into the wind of the floor fan as she made a mess with cookies.  She loves fans.
Silly kid.  It was a great outing, one I probably wouldn't have done if Nicole hadn't been here, thanks for making it happen Hermana.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful experience for your family, especially when you get to share it with your BFF! We are excited to take the boys to the Fort Collins open house in the future!
