Saturday, August 25, 2012

Two Births and a Funeral

Medusa is our long haired guinea pig.  This morning we went out to see how she was doing as for the past two weeks she's been huge - very large with pregnancy.  We didn't notice them at first, but then saw two cute little guinea pigs staying close to her hidden in her long hair.

Haven't been able to pin down a name for the two toned one, but the teeny tiny orange one is Twix.
Medusa went in and hid in her igloo and her babies followed.  We picked up the igloo to have another peek at them, and saw that there was a third baby that had died.  He was all wet on the bottom side, so I think he died as he was born - he seemed larger than the other two, so maybe he had trouble being delivered?  Poor little guy. 
We held a funeral and named him/her Caramello.
We each put a token of love in his grave.  I'm going to paint the rock that was put on his tomb.
 We were waiting for Wes to finish making his paper flower for Caramello, followed by a burial and prayer service.
So I guess here along the south fence of our yard will be the official burial ground for our pets, as we have 7 guinea pigs now and my kids want to keep all of them till death do us part.  Sophia doesn't need one yet, so I guess the other 7 kids can each have their own if I decide we can keep them all.  I'm going to think about it... I've told them they will have to help foot the bill for hay and shavings, just to make them sacrifice a little and be more responsible if they are responsible to each have their own...  We'll see.


  1. So is Butterfinger the daddy or is Oreo a polygamist?

    1. These ones are Butterfinger's kids, although we're not totally 100% sure, they might have been messing around before we officially paired them off in couples. :)
