Saturday, September 22, 2012

Be Still for Journal Time

Getting the kids quiet for scripture reading at night time always makes me so not in the mood to be spiritual.  I'm telling them to listen and shhh and stop and they are bounding off the walls and teasing and fighting and goofing off and playing and laughing, you know how it is, things like this. Sophia is always so cute just being a baby, I admit if I was a kid it would be hard to resist playing with her. (look at that little face, I could just kiss her)
So, anyway, just asking them to listen doesn't ever work, but these past few days, if I just start reading a funny journal entry of mine about when they were kids, one or two will listen in and laugh, then the others will say "What?  I didn't hear, will you read it again?" so I re-read it, then continue reading another entry, and lo and behold they are all listening and I'm not left with a foul disposition.  It's fun. The most tender entries are of things the kids say as 2 and 3 year olds, it really is such a sweet time. 

A few cute entries:

Wesley in Jan 2009 (3.5 years old) - I can't remember what Wes did, but Corey told him he had to go in time out, so he picked him up and carried him over to the couch and in his little 3 year old voice Wesley protested "Dad, you can't do this to me!"

Joe in April 2009 (9 years old) - during a short family lesson Corey was trying to get a point across and it wasn't working cause the kids were teasing/poking/tickling each other and not listening.  In frustration, Corey said with irritation in his voice "This isn't working you guys.  Something is missing.  Who can tell me what is missing?" His point being that reverence was missing from his children.  But smart-alec Joseph quickly replied "Your good sense of humor?" which totally made me laugh and Joe was very proud of himself, he even got a wry smile out of Corey as he admitted that was another thing that was also missing at the moment.  It was funny.

Hyrum in April 2009 (5 years old) - I was pregnant with Lily and he asked me how come babies grow in the mommy's tummy.  I replied "I guess that's just the way God made it."  That answer seemed to satisfy him well enough and he was quiet and thoughtful for a moment, and then with a sigh in his voice, he said longingly, "I wish that babies came in eggs and that chickens got fat..."  Then he walked away and I couldn't help but laugh.  I told the kids later what Hyrum had said and Melodie told me that when she and Hyrum had been playing that day he said he wished that the baby was in an egg.  Too bad for Hyrum and for me that it's not true, cause I have to be the fat chicken. 

I've had "Be Still" on repeat as I've sat here at the computer looking through pictures from 2009.  That's a good way to feel sentimental about life and change, time does pass by so quickly.  sigh.  So that song is my favorite today, beautiful lyrics.

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