Monday, September 24, 2012

Cookies and Milk

I made these cookies over the weekend - they are "worth the weight"  :)  so go grab some milk!
These cookies claim to be "manly cookies" and I would concur that they are, they are rich and loads of chocolate chips, she says "If you are a male and bake this up, your man card is totally safe."  Funny.  Another funny comments about them from her blog -"This ain't no sissy cookie, don't go comparing this to fluffly little lemon bars or other tea party fare."
The thing I enjoyed most about these cookies was that they were actually filling and satisfying - I wasn't tempted to eat the whole batch by myself which never happens!  When I make other chocolate cookie recipes, with their unprocessed carbs, I have to make sure the kids are around to hurry and eat them before I do.  This recipe makes 48 cookies and the kids and I couldn't eat more than 2 each, so we had lots of cookies on the plate, just sitting there waiting patiently and no kids fighting over them!  It was a unique cookie experience for us.  I made these with whole wheat flour, and then with 4 cups of oats and 4 cups of pecans, they are definitely a meal dessert:

1 c. white sugar
1 c. brown sugar
2/3 c. shortening
3/4 c. soft butter
1 heaping tsp. salt
1 heaping tsp. baking soda
3 tsp vanilla
3 large eggs
2 c. flour
4 c. rolled oats,
2 c. chocolate chips (I decided to do 4 cups, 2 milk chocolate, 2 white chocolate)
4 c. roughly chopped pecans (walnuts ok)

ungreased cookie sheet
375 degrees for 11 minutes or til done
she says it makes 36 large cookies, but I got 48 regular sized cookies

And speaking of milk, read or listen to this story about Mitt Romney, good stuff.