Thursday, September 27, 2012

Daily Busy Battle

I am in charge of our elementary school reflections this year.  Don't have much of an idea about what to do other than what I remember from when I participated in reflections in 1984 "I have a Dream..." I was in 2nd grade and I won, that was my first trophy and I still have it.
I felt pretty darn special, and labeled myself as an artist.  I drew a picture of a unicorn titled "I Have a Dream of Seeing a Unicorn."  Not as inspiring and Mr. King's Dream, but ya gotta start somewhere.

So we had our kick off assembly today, Corey came to my rescue last night at 7pm and made a PowerPoint presentation for me (I helped a little googling for pictures and finding youtube videos).  I would have looked like a big loser today without him.  Thanks sweetie.   

So, to tell Corey thanks, I decided to get him something that he's always always wanted!  Tickets to see the Killers on Tour!!!  November 30th.  Just kidding.  He's never wanted to see them.  But we are going.  But first had to ask him "Do we do rock concerts?" I went to one when he was on his mission in '96 - REO Speedwagon.  My first experience and I didn't all that much enjoy it.  I think this one will be fun though if anyone wants to come with us, there are still tickets available!  Did I mention that I love their new CD?  EVERY song really rocks.  I have a different favorite everyday - today's favorite is Battleborn, the lyrics to that one just sound so "America rocks!" to me, and also "rise up America" - makes me feel patriotic, like there is so much good to do, we were born to fight this battle and win - Fight the good fight like Battle Hymn of the Republic.  Love that one too.  (Go Romney!)

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