Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Temple Quarry Trail

Let me tell you a little about the Temple Quarry Trail (with a lot of pictures) - how cool is this place?  It is really cool. It's got history, it's got beauty, it's got mountains, a river, granite boulders, it's pretty amazing.
See those little line marks in that slab of granite above?  Well it is very possible that the other piece of that rock is a part of this gorgous granite edifice downtown.
Were those pioneers amazing or what.  How they cut this granite and then hauled it 20 miles downtown with wagons and oxen, it's miraculous the things they did with such simple tools.
I heard about this trail 5 years ago, but yesterday was the first time we went to check it out, which is sad cause it was so cool, just a playground for imagination - the kids were having a blast and I was thinking "Why haven't I come up here everyday this whole year?!?! This is so cool!!!!"
So we're going to go again and again and again and let the kids just go creative crazy and I think I'll bring a book and I'll sit on a rock and read.  :)
It was so fun walking up and down the dry river bed, amazing how much fun you can have with just rocks.
So it was beautiful and cool and cloudy and sprinkling rain yesterday.  We loaded up to run our weekly errands and the mountains were calling to us.  Abi said "The clouds are falling!  Why are the clouds falling?" It made me smile.
Hyrum asked me "So what would you rather see, the mountains or dad?"  Funny.  I said "Your Dad wins hands down, but fall is almost over!!! So they do have an urgent attention due to them since they will be gone in another two weeks..."
Well, maybe not totally gone, but this week and next week are definitely going to be the highlight of their show.
and a few more pictures since I'm on a roll - we did a quick run up to the trail after shopping (I bribed them with a bag of Cheetos) and then we went again when the other kids got home.
 On our first trip up Lily wasn't happy.  She wanted to go home.
(It was cute.)
We eventually got her to come along - Hyrum held Sophi while I carried Lily.  Then it was Abi's turn to complain.  Ah well, that's how it goes.  But we're planting a seed of love for the hills that are alive ~ when they are all older we are gonna have a great time.

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