Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Handsome Man

Wednesdays are Corey's day to take it easy in the morning, he doesn't have to take Joe to band or drive the carpool to school.  So it was a little bit of a slower morning and he was able to do some music with Hyrum before he left for work.  I didn't capture it with the camera, but Hyrum's feet were cute to see as he played, he was concentrating hard. Corey serenaded Sophia with some Kenny G... 
She wasn't sure what to think of the saxophone - Hmm, that thing is loud... a little scary... I think my dad's trying to make me laugh though, so do I smile?  But boy, this is a loud sound!
It was heartwarming to see them playing together, I loved it.  Even with how busy Corey and all dad's are, they make time for their kids.  Nothing more attractive than a man who loves being a father.

Political Note for the day - It is not good to have a sitting President that says this:
Is it just me, or is the President here proving that he tells people what they want to here during an "Election Year" - In other words "He Lies to the American people just to get re-elected"?  Not good.  Not to mention the real possibility of our national security being in danger by his current and future relations with Russia.

1 comment:

  1. Tiff,
    still loving your blog! i love the little moments you record. how priceless for your family.

    joann was just telling me on sunday that corey is teaching all of the kids a musical awesome! a great dad for sure!

    thanks for your food for thought! always enjoy!
