Thursday, September 20, 2012


Life is getting so busy now - Jr. High has definitely upped it a notch.  I was talking to a friend last night who's oldest son is Joe's BFF and schoolmate and also their oldest kid and thus first one to start Jr. High for their family.  We were talking our efforts to try and figure out how to manage it all - cause right now I'm not, it's just whirling around me, which is why the kids can't find socks to wear - it's cause the 5 loads of clean laundry still haven't been folded, but at least I swept and got dinner on the table and the kids are all still alive, so priorities are taken care of, but we gotta start figuring out the rest or I'm going to drown in the chaos.  She recommended the book Large Family Logistics which I just placed a hold on at the library.  She said it's got good stuff for any size family, not just large.  The reviews looked promising to me.  Hoping it will help me figure it out!

So, as I said, Joe just started 7th grade.  We like to tease him that this is about when he'll start getting beat up if he corrects people who say "So-n-so and me" instead of "So-n-so and I" as he likes to correct us around here. Then he came home from school looking like this:
As he first caught my eye I just looked at him to see if it was real.  But he was smirking/holding in a "this is a funny joke!" laugh too much for it to be real, so that gave him away, then I could tell it was fake as he got closer - they were practicing makeup in Drama class.  They never got to do this kinda stuff in elementary school!  (He is loving Jr. High.)  

One more Joe story - Joe is a funny kid.  If he's going camping on Friday at 2:00 after school, then at 9:00 Thursday night, he would most likely mention in passing to me as we say goodnight "...17 hours until I leave for the campout..."  I'm like "yup, that's great Joe!"

They just left for school, and he said something to that effect to Corey as they were getting into the car, and Corey said to him, "Why are you telling me this?  Is it cause you're... LOGISTICS MAN!!!" (That last part is to be said in an "I'm announcing a super hero" voice, which also echoed really nicely in the garage as Corey pronounced it)  It made me laugh, we do tease Joe a little bit about how he's always aware of the logistics behind an event or mapping out the logistics of upcoming situations.

But, when I want to remember to do something that I feel like I'm going to let slip from my mind, I just have to tell Joe to remind me, it works every time!  His wheels are turning with room to spare, so he's got available mental storage for my random bits too.  Like my own personal secretary.  If only he were home all day to keep track of everything for me.

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