Thursday, October 4, 2012

He Means Business

Well, gonna talk politics for a sec.  The Presidential Debate last night was awesome, Full debate here.  Corey and I were giving each other high fives when it was over and had a few winces during the debate of "Oooh, that's gotta hurt..." cause the truth does hurt sometimes and it's not easy to hear.

Obama hasn't been challenged at ALL in four years -- not by the press, not by his own party.  He's surrounded by "Yes" men and women, and to hear him tell it the only thing he's done wrong in four years is not communicate enough with the American people to convince their poor ignorant heads as to why his policies are so brilliant.  He's absolutely, positively clueless.  And it really showed in the debate, where he had to stand on his own feet.

It was like the Emperor had no clothes.  He did not seem to have a command of the facts-real or imaginary. He stammered. He strung sentences together with drawn-out “and” and “but” while looking done and away. No wonder he does not meet with foreign leaders, his Cabinet, his Jobs Commission, joint meetings with both political parties, etc. Very un-Presidential. He might as well have “voted present” and gone home. 

When Romney spoke he was easy to understand, making very clear and concise points. But when Obama spoke I was just like "what is he saying?"  Obama kept trying to tell a story that Romney won't give the details of his plan?!?!  Romney can't help but be specific, as the beginning of this clip shows:

During the debate when Obama was speaking, Romney looked at him, listening intently, with a friendly expression on his face. When Romney was speaking, Obama was either grimacing, shaking his head, or looking down at the floor, as if he was afraid to listen to Romney or his criticism of Obama’s own record. The president looked peeved and flat as he carried a conversation, for the first time in four years, with somebody telling him he’s wrong.  Many debate watchers could have noticed this and wondered: Which of these men do we want discussing American policy with people like Bibi Netanyahu or Vladimir Putin or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Maybe someone who can look them straight in the eyes?

Romney is not just 'playing politics'. He means business.  As Pat Buchanan said it: “Its easy to see why Mitt Romney was such a successful CEO - he walks into the room and he knows his onions.”  One of the best businessmen in this country just gave our President an economics lesson. Obama showed what he is; a community organizer hopelessly in over his head!! I do think he's doing his best, but with his lack of experience, his "best" is really bad. 

Something else kinda funny, a CNN survey conducted right after the debate showed 67% of debate watchers questioned said that the Republican nominee won the faceoff, with one in four saying that President Barack Obama was victorious. No presidential candidate has topped 60% in that question since it was first asked in 1984!!!  As Hugh Hewitt says, since no sitting President has ever done this bad in a debate, we have no idea what this will do to the race.  And it wasn't just that Obama was so bad, it's that Romney was so good, even liberals can't fake Obama won:

"Rachel Maddow calls debate a tie, blames the moderator. (ie: Romney killed.)  Al Gore blamed the high altitude of Denver for Obama's poor showing (as if Romney was debating via satellite from the coast?) And Bill Maher: "I can't believe I'm saying this, but Obama definitely needs his teleprompter". (wince!  That's gotta hurt!!!!)  Chris Matthews was a little unhinged here, (...although I think he's a crazy man either way).

Ok, that's all for today, until the next debate - tune in next time October 16t!!!


  1. It was SO refreshing to listen to Romney. I can't wait to vote for him and wave goodbye to that stupid Pepsi Obama logo!
