Friday, October 5, 2012

Little Queens

Just some random photos of our little girls wielding their "girl power" and exercising dominion over their siblings and parents.  Well, trying to atleast.  Abi... can't remember what she was pouting about or asking for here, but boy was she working those pouty lips and the sympathy stare...
Next is Lily ~ now she's just cute and funny.  We don't really take her threats seriously but do let her get away with murder, but she's just so meek, it's hard not to.
She's showing the older kids just who calls the shots by teaching Hyrum "who's boss" by demanding "You WILL get me the pink spoon NOW..."
And then Sophia, well, with those big brown beauties she can stare any of us down.  She's got us all wrapped around her little finger. 
She is so beautiful.  I love my little girls.  (Love my big girl too, Mel) ~  (And all the boys!)

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