Wednesday, October 17, 2012


So, I'm the chair of our Reflections Contest at the kids school.  Haven't done much yet but stew about it in my head.  Hopefully getting these entries judged this week will go well, then gotta order the awards/trophies, have the open house to display all the entries next week, then I'm hoping I'm basically done.  Ethan submitted the photo below, Mel took the picture above, they both also entered a drawing (both were waterfalls).  Mel also did a little clay 3D sculpture.
Political thoughts from last night's debate - I think Romney did great. The first debate was a game changer, this second debate was simply was a game maintainer. If Romney had to win the first debate to remain relevant as a candidate, Obama had to win this second debate big this time and that didn’t happen. Obama came back scoring a few political points and added some fuel to his unenthusiastic campaign.  He did lie about Libya, and even though Romney didn't catch him on it in the debate, a lie is still a lie and that never sets well with normal people, plus there is a debate on Monday on foreign policy and so it will definitely be brought up then and he won't get away with it next time. Many said President Obama "won", but the bar was set pretty low since he just had to improve on his last performance.  Basically he just had to show up and be engaged, so he did that.  But, Romney won on style, looking presidential, and at the same time hitting the President over his record, and boy, was that a long list.

The post-debate CNN poll of debate viewers felt Obama edged out Romney in the 2nd debate with 46% to Romney’s 39%. But, when asked about specifics, they expressed greater confidence in Romney’s ability to lead, especially on the economy which is the issue of this election. Please, we need a President who will help this economy.  As a member of the middle class who had 8 kids and an entrepreneur husband and breadwinner, we are so feeling the crunch. Romney has promised to help our family, that's what I want, he has my vote. Looking forward to some R&R (rest and recuperation) from R&R (Romney and Ryan).  Let's not mess this up, America.  19 days away.  Next Debate on Monday. 

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