Thursday, October 18, 2012


I have a cold.  Might be allergies?  Either way, my eyes are watery and nose is runny and I have a headache and need to sneeze and it's not very fun.  Sophi's been a little sick this past week but seems well today.
I think Abi's feeling under the weather too cause she has been nah-stie, so we were all glad when she took a 3 hour nap.  I think I'd like to go take a nap.  But since it's 7pm, I guess I'll just toughen it out for another hour or so and go to be early - haha wishful thinking.  I'm squinting with one eye closed right now as I type.  I was sick around this time last year too - (at the end of this post - I also just picked up a cheesecake!  But I'm going to try to be good and stay away from it till Halloween or Thanksgiving... but I have another one coming next month, so maybe I will go eat all of it.  It's my survival food.)  

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