Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thanksgiving Point Gardens

Corey took Angela and Melodie with him to BYU yesterday - he was giving a class presentation in Dr. Dyer's class, which said professor co-authored this book which mentioned a certain Corey Wride in it's chapter on the Innovator's talent of observation (here's an Economist article which also mentions Corey here, kinda fun, huh!) ~ So, after their busy day on campus, we decided we'd treat Angela to the lovely Thanksgiving Point Gardens.
It was pretty and wonderful and we about had the whole 55 acres to ourselves ~

Lily was at one with the garden, singing, picking flowers (which Corey tried to discourage.) she was swaying back and forth sweeping the stone walkways with her long princess dress which she had been playing in at home and refused to change out of.  She was even barefoot, which added another dimension of innocence to the aura of her being ~ it was sweet.  She was having a true Disney Princess experience, minus the birds who wouldn't come to her.
Lily singing to the flowers
Then she picked up a big brown dead leaf off of the ground and handed it to Corey as she said "It's a Daddy Flower!"  Big, old, crusty... yup, that about sums up us adults alright.

Angela ascending the Italian Garden stairs
Look at those baby brown eyes - Sophi you are so gorgeous!
Rolling down the big hill - or - frolicking in the Garden of Eden
Smile for the camera!  Pretend the sun's not in your eyes!
Corey and I were looking at the park through Angela's eyes, since we've been to her country and have that as a point of reference, and discussed that it's almost obscene how gorgeous it all is.  The US in general is pretty over the top amazing, kinda seems unfair, like we gotta get points docked in some other area since we're so overly blessed in pretty much every way possible.  When we were living in Santiago, they accompanied us to a park near their home (park starts on picture 8 at this post) and also took us to Cerro San Cristobal at this post, and that was a gorgeous park that trumps your average US City park but probably ties the average national park.

Anyway, as we were leaving Thanksgiving Point, Angela said to Corey "Next time you are in Santiago, I'm not going to take you anywhere, cause it's all ugly..." which was funny and we laughed, cause Santiago is pretty awesome, but Thanksgiving Point does kinda show off a bit too much - tone it down people!

Political Sidenote for the Day ~
President Obama has a new tv ad out addressing our nations most pressing issue: Big Bird.  Since the debate last week (know on MSNBC as "the worst thing that ever happened anywhere" haha) President Obama has mentioned Big Bird and Elmo 13 times but has not mentioned his plan to fix the economy or Libya once.  Obama has nothing to run on. For the love of all that is good in America, please vote Romney!

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