Monday, October 8, 2012

General Conference

General Conference was wonderful this weekend, as always.  The talk that I've already listened to three times was President Uchdorft's talk on Saturday morning.  I will try my best to live with no regrets.

We left Sophia downstairs napping during the afternoon session of Conference while the rest of us watched it upstairs.  When I came down to check on her, she was awake and this is the little face greeted me with a cheezy grin over the couch:
Made me laugh, she probably thought the rest of us were slackers and she was the only one paying attention.  And looks like she enjoyed it too!  The rest of us were lazying around our bedroom floor.  I took notes, had a few people dozing off here and there.
We had a nice visit with my side of the family afterward.
Corey, my dad, and Angela had a nice visit,
Lily having a tea party and going grocery shopping... with an assault weapon...
The kids had fun playing with cousins, and I got lots of homemaking inspiration from Jerusha's house, it is so festive! Now to get the resources I need to fill my little heart's desire... ah, therein lies the glitch.  I shall remember that I can have anything I want, I just have to get it "one thing at a time."

(...and, on a political sidenote, this SNL skit is pretty funny)

Have a happy Monday!

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