Thursday, November 1, 2012

Door to Door

The kids were out in full force last night - our huge group was like a school of piranhas consuming everything in their path, I know of atleast one house where we emptied the bowl of goodies.  Like a pack of wolves!  Here they are devouring the sugar at a certain neighbors house, so fun~
(The kids know that all their Twix and KitKats are up for grabs if I feel the need to tax their loot - but Hyrum has informed me I can't have any of his Twix's "cause one of them is from Elder Christofferson" and since he doesn't know which one, I can't have any of them.  It's just too special to share.  Cute.)

We had fed them a festive meal before the candy looting began - pizzas, bone breadsticks, witch fingers, worms in the caramel for the apples - or you can dip your apples in Manjar from Chile (it is major yummy good with the tart and tangy apples from my parent's apple tree - mmm!)
Joseph was a Basketball Player, Melodie was a bag of Jelly Beans...
Ethan was a pirate, Hyrum was Mitt Romney going door to door asking for candy donations
(~ note the distinguished gray temples)

Wesley was an elf, Abi and Lily were both fairies.
I decorated their faces with dots of sparkly fingernail polish. 
And Sophia as herself.  
Sophia had us push and carry her around, she was saving up her energy for a big show later ~
So we had lots of fun trick or treating last night.  The weather outside was amazing, couldn't have asked for a better evening for the kids.  Glad they're having some perfect childhood memories.  Alas, now it is just a memory and Abi's ready for the next party... She just asked me "Mom? When it is Christmas?"  No, not yet!  Give me atleast a week, please!

Political sidenote:
Romney is what America needs: "doubling tax rates will not double government revenues because people won't work as hard for half the money."  5 days! Hope Dems aren't loosing too much sleep, although I totally do not understand their world view if they are - I don't understand what is terrifying them about Romney that also let's them turn a blind eye to Obama.

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