Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Eve

Going to vote tomorrow ~ I'm hopeful and will be glad to stop wondering/worrying about the future of our country.  I have faith that the majority of Americans have studied the issues and know what is at stake in this election.  I'm voting for love of country.
Ten Reasons why I'm voting for Mitt Romney:
1) Economy
2) Mitt knows small business, and my better half is trying to get a small business off the ground.  He is working so hard to do it, and he is building it. 
3) Experience
4) Charity
5) Intelligence
6) Marriage
7) Freedom of Religion
8) Family
9) Quiet Acts of Kindness
10) The Pursuit of Happiness

Ten Reasons why Obama has failed:
1) Economy - 16 TRILLION Dollar Debt, loss of our AAA rating
2) VP Biden - so often his comments are just unbelievable
3) Benghazi
4) Socialism/Communism
5) Dishonesty with the American voter
6) Offensive to women in his presidental campaign, as a party, & as liberals
7) I don't trust Michelle either
8) Obamacare - For every reason listed in that article.  Plus since my better half's small business means we buy our own insurance, and our insurance premium went up $250/mo after Obamacare was rammed through.
9) Too much golf, so much for "never rest"ing and working hard "every single day" for my family.  He should have taken a hint from Bush 43 that golfing sends the wrong signal.
10) Too many vacations on the taxpayers' dime.

(I'll be glad to have my life go back to normal when this campaign is over, it's been a long time coming.  And hoping my life won't just be going back to normal, but better than normal with President Romney coming into office in January!)

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out load at the "Too much golf and too many vacations" comments!!!! When we were still living on the Marine Corps Base I happened to be out in my back yard while Mr. Obama was golfing the SS walked around my house to tell me I needed to go inside. I told them I didn't have to and I had no intentions of doing so. They then suggested I step closer to my house and away from the cliff overlooking the course). I suggested they leave my yard. Now that we live off the base and in Kailua, it's still just as bad!!! His vacation house is 2 miles down the road and every time he or the fam go out, the whole place gets locked down. No running on the beach, hitting the grocery stores, getting shaved ice, hiking the local trails or even getting a pedicure!!! Last Christmas alone we the taxpayers paid just over $4 MILLION for his holiday here!
    Enough of my ranting... I've already voted and now I praying for the right decision to be made! I hope your voting experience tomorrow is rewarding!
