Monday, November 12, 2012

Kids Town

Last week Ethan attended "Biz Town" with his grade at school.  Ethan's tales of the wonders of Biz Town and his wishing that there was someway/somehow he could return and be City clerk again... has prompted them to make it happen, and they spend the weekend in the basement setting up their stores:
Wesley owns a Art store and I was his first customers... And Ethan has an art store too.
Mel opened a Craft Club/Store.  Hyrum runs the bank (I invested a big loan of plastic coins in their business/town)
Above you can see the "Kid's Theatear" (tv) and below the "Kid's Library"
And last but not least, we have Joe's Market...
Joseph came down yesterday after his nap and decided to play too, being the funny big brother he is and all, and he opened a restaurant, but he was asking like $50 bucks for a banana and $100 for a piece of lettuce as he said "ooh, this lettuce, yes... this is very valuable..." so they rioted and ransacked his store, vandalizing his store front with penned grafitti of "Rip Off" and throwing pens, plates, and even a pink plastic fork through his sign
As they told me about the exchange they were all totally laughing and saying "It was so funny" but still all playing along in character, cute game, I love it.  So then I told the citizens that they better behave so the police don't have to come and restore order - might even put them in jail, so be careful!  It's kinda fun, Kid's Town... there are endless possibilities!  I told them they need to make larger/more professional looking signs and marquees.  Looks like I have another fun/creative project for my list.  :)

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