Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Power Out

With the record breaking snow fall over the weekend our power went out two times.  The first time was for an hour, the second time for about 3 minutes.  Yup, big excitement happening.  Nothing compared to a friend in New Jersey who was out of power for 13 days from Hurricane Sandy.  Yikes.  The kids didn't complain, they thought it was kinda fun, although I know that enthusiasm would have worn off if they'd been in the dark for 2 weeks...
 Wesley kept drawing in the darkness, can't keep that kid down!
 Hyrum unloaded the dishwasher by candlelight - He loves doing chores ~ so romantic.
 We had pb&j for dinner, Eth, your shadow eyebrows look a little freaky.
 Sophi didn't get the game that we were playing but decided to roll with it anyway
Mel tried to crochet in the darkness, but then she lost her hook.

So it was fun, and now I'm got a list of things that I wouldn't have been aware of otherwise: get candle sticks, more ready to eat snack foods, and get a lot more flashlights and batteries.  I was able to give the kids a quick lecture about why I've ranted in the past when I found them playing with the flashlights, "Cause then we don't have them when we NEED them, like right now!"  Luckily we had 2 little lights from when we hiked the Y. I facebooked my friend to see if she has any words of wisdom to pass along to us, I'll update it here later.  :)


  1. I think that's a favorite childhood memory of mine too. Power goes out and sitting on the couch staring out the window. Power outages (definitely short ones) are exciting when you're a kid :)

  2. That gives me an idea Tiff. Some night here at Hibb HQ 2nd G, 'no electricity night' - we'll voluntarily have a power outage, for fun and of course we won't unplug the fridge or freezer or anything. just no lights or something....
