Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Little People

Look at that little face, that little grin.  I love these little people.
Well, this little Sophi has discovered pens and pencils and has discovered that she's got a natural knack for holding a pencil -
A pencil in each hand!  looks like chop sticks.
Perhaps she'll be ambidextrous?
Lots of work to do!! Sadly for the wannabe tidy homemaker in me, she's also discovered how to use these writing instruments on walls, floor, carpet (sigh) and speaking of messes, I just discovered that Lily got into my makeup.  I didn't freak out, but Lily is really trying hard to up her score on the "Kid that keeps mom on her toes the most" ranking.  (sooo irritating, but 'tis the life of a mother, comes with the territory)

So after I took a lot of pictures of Sophi drawing, Lily was making some grunting noise that was making her laugh -
Sophi's got the giggles, which made all of us giggle too, she is so cute

Sophi ready and waiting for more hilarious entertainment
Love these cute kids.  Their little hands holding pencils and little voices making little laughs.

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