Saturday, January 19, 2013


Just some pictures from last week when we went up to Midway.  The kids were remembering the good ol' days when we had a pool just right out the back door.  But Jr. High is too cool, so Joe's not ready to take a trip to Latin America any time soon.  Oh, fine.
Even Sophia and I came, which doesn't happen all that much.  We usually divide and conquer, so for all of us to be there was the highlight of the trip for me.  I think it was Sophi's first experience in a pool.  She seemed to be taking it all in and everyone was taking a number to be the next one to hold and play with her.
We had the whole pool to ourselves.  Pretty sweet.
Corey swimming experience was typical of that of fathers of young children: either he had 2-3 just-learning-to-swim kids hanging on him, or, if the newbies were in the hot tub with me, the gang of rowdy boys attacked. 
Mel never attacked, but did play along and let Corey rocket launch her into the deep end a few times.
My swimming cap from my college days was in the bag of swimming gear.  The kids used it as a waterballoon weapon of types and took turns playing Olympic swimmer. 
Ethan: "Do I look like Michael Phelps?"  "Totally - you're totally Michael Phelps, Eth."

1 comment:

  1. I was just about to ask if Michael Phelps visited Utah often when I thought I saw a picture of him swimming with you. :)
