Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Ethan's Birthday was on Friday.  My mom had some fondant frosting left over from a cake she made a week before, so she decided to make Ethan's cake.  Since Mel is our aspiring baker, she and I went over to learn a little bit about making a fondant cake from my mom. 
It was fun and good to spend some time over there.  My parents both work and their office is at home, so not a lot of places for kids to play, so my mom usually always comes over to our house to visit.  As we pulled up Melodie said "I haven't been here for so long!" ~ I think since before we went to Costa Rica in 2010.  (That is long.)
Melodie was cute kneading the fondant. 
and she's such a shorty we gave her a step stool. 
We finished decorating a small cake and she took it to school to give to Ethan during his lunch time as a surprise.  She's a great sister and a wonderful daughter.  They don't get better than Mel.

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