Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Favorite Career

I'm on week 2 of my new life system of planning and cleaning and being on top of it, and it is good.  I totally loved Stephanie Nielsen's post today - Motherhood really is a great job.  It's my favorite and I love that I'm learning how to do it better.  (Here's a link to the things I've started so far with my new system, it's going great!)

I also totally laughed inside as I saw all the faces of her kids when they were younger, so cute, all those little chubby faces.  Made me smile, so I thought I'd copy cat her and share my crew from their chubby face days of yester-year:

Starting off - the two cutest babies in the world (Irish twins too!) Joseph and Melodie
Joseph - inquisitive, humble, always learning.
Melodie - you're cuter than your baby guinea pigs.  A nurturing little mother in the making.
Ethan - a little curious monkey, ready to tease and play at any moment.  That face spells trouble right there I tell ya.

Hyrum (dressed as pirate Smee for Halloween) - humble, quiet, watchful, and as stubborn as his dad.

Wesley joined the crew - what a happy baby!
He is pure boyhood - dirt and sweets and imagination.
Then Abi - there's a little girl that was ready to keep up with Ethan's mischief - always busy wanting to go and do and see
that hair is just so cute on Abi - what a little face
 Lily - she is meek and mild, and likes to draw on everything.
And lastly our current perfect angel, Sophia.  Oh she's such a pretty baby, I could just kiss her!
I love being a mom. 

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