Saturday, March 16, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Treat

Made our little St. Patrick's Day treat a day early.  I am so glad spring is in the air, we had a beautiful morning, I made the kids go with me into the backyard and we raked and raked and raked pine needles.  Looks SO much better.  They were good helpers, so I thought they deserved a good treat.  After they were done helping, I made them stay out and play while I made the "surprise" - it was fun.
I let Joseph help me assemble while Melodie kept the kid's and their eager anticipation at bay -
9 individual plates of Fruit Rainbow goodness with marshmallow and whipped cream clouds and a little bit of gold...
Could not find those gold foil wrapped Rolos anywhere to do it like in this pot of gold, oh well, the Hershey's nuggets worked out pretty good, the kids were all smiles ~
 Happy big kids and little kids and Dad-kid too.
And we have enough fruit and treats left to do it again tomorrow.  Have a Lucky Day!

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