Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Wesley

Happy Birthday (yesterday), Wesley.  
Cake, ice cream, doughtnuts, and more cake and ice cream, and now we're done for a while with that.  There will be another birthday soon on July 8th, but we're gonna skip the cake and ice cream for her.  (Just 12 days!)  I've mostly been posting pregnancy things on my exercise blog, but I'll be overloading this one with every minute detail of her new life soon enough.  We're almost there!  One more doctor appointment to go next Wednesday, then the induction scheduled on Monday the 8th.
Anyway, Wes had a good day.  He got his one requested Star Wars lego, plus a lot more legos and clothes from his kind grandparents.  Didn't get around to ever planning the friend party, but that's okay. 
Happy Birthday Wes!

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