Monday, June 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Lily!

Lily's birthday was on Sunday.  (Isn't she so cute?)
And Wesley's is tomorrow.  So the kids have been indulging in cake and ice cream everyday.  Saturday my mom came over for a birthday eve for Lily (pictured below in her pjs)...
...then we did it all again on her real birthday.  Lily sang her heart out "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEE!"
Joe made the cake (love having helpful teenagers!) and I love getting pictures of the birthday kid blowing the candles.
Corey's parents came over to see the birthday girl on Sunday.  So we went outside.  And lost 3 of the 4 balloons. Sophia was so sad when hers floated away, but she would not let us tie it around her wrist (she's getting a little feisty and opinionated about things).  She held it by the very tippy end of the string, we said she was a big risk taker and liked to live life on the edge.  When she lost hold of it, (which was exactly as we had forseen) it broke everyone's heart to see her cry as she pointed up at the quickly disappearing spot of pink happiness in the sky.  We used our parental executive powers to seize the right to all balloons gave her the last one, which Lily briefly protested, but she had new toys, come on Lily, Sophi needs that last balloon.
(Sophia before the loss of the balloon below, pure childhood happiness on that face)
And she was happy once again.  And we made her go inside.  The balloon is still here.  It's lost it's float though, so maybe we'll just have to do it again for Wes tomorrow.  We'll see if blue balloons hold the same magical powers.

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