Saturday, June 22, 2013

Indiana Joe

Well, he's home again.  And this time he might stick around for more than few days, perhaps even a week!  This boy's summer has been packed full of fun and adventure since day one.  First was a band trip to California and Disneyland for 5 days, then the day he got home from that trip he had 2 hours to switch gears and then was on his way to Moab for a church youth conference and river trip for 3 days .  That was week one.  This week he was off again on a 4 day scout backpacking trip in the high Uintahs.  Now he's home and as we get to know him again I must say he looks taller, tanner, and bit older.  He's growing up too fast.
We didn't know what time Joseph would arrive home today, but luck had it that Corey had just bbq'd some steak and we had a hot dinner ready for him when he walked in the door.  They were able to sit and eat a man's meal and talk about our little Marco Polo's tales of adventure (50:35-ish for the lead in to that).
I am content to be a homemaker and feel very happy and fortunate to be able to stay at home all the time and nest and let these men go find the adventures and fight the battles and endure the daily grind.  Glad you're back safe Joseph.  Mel's off to Young Women's camp next week, and then we'll maybe have one week of summer together as a family before a baby comes to turn things on their heads.  I don't expect our Bonus Buck summer work schedule to survive past that 2nd week of July as the task master (me) will be slacking off and sitting on the couch 24/7 kissing a newborn.  I'm sure she'll be calling for the attention of all the other kids and neighbor kids too, so we'll figure that out.  Life is good.

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