Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Before Bedtime Laughs

Putting the kids to bed recently one night ~ they were finishing up brushing their teeth and then gathering to the top of the stairs for prayer and scriptures. I was in brushing my teeth and I heard quiet little chatter followed by a big laugh, then again quiet talking followed by a big laugh. When I came out I saw the game they were playing with Sophia - Melodie was wearing her 5th grade shirt, where each student drew a self portrait and they were all put on a class shirt together - Mel wears it as her pajama shirt.
They would ask Sophia "Where is Wesley?" and she'd study the shirt and then point at a portrait, then they'd all laugh. Repeat  ~"Where is Abi?" Hmm - Sophia quietly pondered the faces then made her choice.
Sophi said Wesley was Isiah in the photo above and Abi was Thomas. It is kinda funny, she always seemed to point at the most odd looking people or choose girl drawings for her brothers. Ethan has a shirt like this too, it's become one of their favorite Sophi games. Simple pleasures. :)

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