Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Snuggle Baby

A few pics of me snuggling my baby - Natalie was so relaxed and it felt so nice to just feel her little "I weigh as much as a bag of sugar" body on my chest I had to get a picture.
She's finally got a really strong new baby smell, you know the smell, right? It's some kind of organic milk smell ~ I love it.
I'll stick my nose into her neck like she's got hers in mine in these pictures and just breath and smell her wonderful baby smell, it's a wonderful stress reliever.
She doesn't seem to mind me close in on her personal space, and just look at that little grin. Natalie sleeps best when she's being held close and tight, especially if her face is kinda covered to get that "still in the womb" feeling.
Enjoying this time. Lots of time to be still and quiet and relax countered with busy and loud running around cleaning up chaos. And still finding and vacuuming up glitter ;) It's opposition in all things. 

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