Friday, August 9, 2013


One of my favorite things to take pictures of is of the kids sleeping. When we're on a trip and they're not in their usual assigned beds, it's funny to see the combinations of who crashes where. Last week, these two below won as my favorite sleeping snap-shot. Ethan and Lily shortly after they all fell asleep:
I don't recall where they each were in the morning time, but I'm positive that Ethan didn't last long without getting a foot in his face from Lily (she is terrible to sleep with - it's like somehow her body won't let her fully rest unless she is perpendicular to anyone else in the bed)
Hyrum lucked out somehow and had the whole hidaway bed to himself while Melodie got the other hide-a-way bed and shared it with 3 siblings~
Joseph got the coveted "turn the two chairs into a bed" spot this night that you can see in the top left. They all wanted the chairs so that was the only spot that we had to patrol and make sure people took turns.  Melodie holds pretty still I think, so I'm trusting she won't give Sophia a kick during the night. Cute kids. Seeing the kids still and quitely sleeping reminds me of this quote that I've always thought has a little bit of truth in it.  ;)

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