Friday, August 9, 2013

Vacation Wrap-up

Ok, so to finish up the Park City documentation.  On Wednesday Corey invited up some people from work and served up his best Brazilian BBQ for everyone for dinner.  Then they all went on the Alpine slide. I stayed in the room with my little friends, was able to distract them with some tv and an early dessert. Cookies!
Corey and his company went swimming after and had a good time.  I heard that on the Alpine Slide, Wesley got scared about jumping the track and so he went down the mountain super slow with his brake on and soon had a train of 5 people behind him. (Corey, did you take any pictures?)
On Thursday everyone went to Rockport for a day of boating. (Corey, pictures?) Me? Where was I? Well, we decided that Corey could have more fun boating if he didn't have to worry about Sophia or Lily drowning, and since I'm no good with my pretty canary, we voted to divide and conquer. So these little kids thought they scored big cause they got in my car where there was a rice krispy treat waiting for each of them, oh yeah,
We went back home in the valley for the rest of the day. Natalie folding her arms and being so reverent.
We went back up Friday night. The kids had fun boating and on Friday Corey was able to get some work done with Sophia gone and thus not clinging to him. We called to say hi ~
So we headed back up Friday night and then enjoyed breakfast with everyone on Saturday before heading home. I'm sure Corey took pictures of boating, so I'll update those later. Good times.
And on the topic of family get aways, watch these videos of this family - they've made a few lip-sinc videos of their family retreats that I thought were so funny and cute, I want to do this!
That one is from 2013, and these are their other videos below, so fun!
Good Time - 2012
Friday - 2011
Jump - 2010

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