Sunday, August 4, 2013

Pool Time

Well, we're back from a week of fun in Park City. The kids had a great time swimming everyday.  I went one day, Corey went a few more than I did. Whether or not Corey or I swam depended on if Natalie was hungry or napping and if Sophia was in a good mood or not. Natalie never made it into the pool and Sophia, well, that little girl usually didn't want anything to do with the water for some reason ~
So sometimes she just watched from the side with us, which she was content with so that was good. When we did convince her to go into the water she was holding on for dear life. She was especially clingy in the water, but was consistently clingly all other times during the whole week.
She rotated her clinging between us, although Corey usually got her cause I'd have Natalie. (I do believe Sophia's continuing her adjustment to her new "2nd youngest" status.)
I got my biggest laugh of the week when Ethan put his cousin's swimming floatie around his neck and tried to dive into the water, super funny.
Mel wanted in on the action after Ethan was done, here she is relaxing in the water with the floatie keeping her head above water.  Nice.
Funny kids.  We had enough little bodies that we were usually able to claim a whole hot tub to ourselves as there wasn't much room for any other guests.
Lily is a cute and happy swimmer.
So these are the only pictures I took of swimming, just on the first day. But the kids went swimming everyday, and while they didn't earn any sunburns to prove it, a few of them did have pretty chapped skin, Ethan especially got a chapped nose from having his goggles on so tight.  Corey's so nice, he got them all goggles and noseplugs, which also helped us avoid any sibling squabbles.
They had a fun week swimming!