Monday, August 5, 2013

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory

Last Monday Corey thought we should go for a little afternoon walk, so those children who so desired joined us on a stroll through the plaza, and we happily found ourselves walking towards a certain chocolate shoppe.
Mmm, Rocky Mountain Chocolate.  Ok kids, say cheese for posterity. Hyrum, your hand looks like it's broken or something, and we've got to get you to stop sucking your tongue. Ok, turn around, look through the glass and choose the treat that calls out to you.
Decisions decisions...
And the winners are: 1 carmel apple, 1 chocolate covered strawberry, 4 chocolate covered pretzels and 1 rocky road marshmallow.  I got some concotions with toffe and coconut.  Mmm.
Natalie got her first ride in the wrap (those pictures at that link there are of Lily as the baby at Park City - dejavu).
Look, I've got a baby in my tummy again, only now it's a lot more fun cause I get to see her little angel face!
And speaking of chocolate, I read this quote today that made me laugh.

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