Saturday, August 17, 2013

With A Bang

Well, summer break is over.  We had a busy week, I did a full sprint of school shopping on Thursday - broke the errands up into 4 groups and went out with some of the kids with me, then came home to tag-team other kids, it's was kinda crazy. With a hip-click ultrasound for Natalie in there as well. So that was a busy day to help me get ready to say goodbye to lazy days of summer.  And the kids are saying goodbye with a bang.  They've made the most out of every night this week, it's been fun. They've had 4 nights of "night games" ~ I don't know what their night games entail, I do know that it involves a lot of screaming and laughing from the darkness outside.
Most of them come and get suited up in dark clothes and they round up the neighbor kids and it's go go until I call them in for bed.
I was thinking last week that this week we'd try to get to bed at a somewhat decent hour each night, or atleast more decent by 15 minutes each night so that the first school morning wouldn't hurt so bad, but then, on the other hand, I thought "oh, just let them play, it's the last week of summer".
And the "other hand" won out.
Natalie is still an angel in every possible way.
and I loved this "afternoon nap" shot I got of 3 cute girls - Sophi on the ottoman, and Melodie who dozed off as she stared at Natalie and held her hand. See Natalie's little profile there? Sweet baby...
We also got 8 monarch caterpillars this week, pretty fun, they are so cool to watch, but I think they'd be safer outside as evidenced by the funeral we held for one of them last night. We may return them to "the wild".  5 of them in this picture below, can you see all 5?
We had a three Brazilian families over for a BBQ tonight, lots of kids and games and good food, it's just been a busy week, maybe I'll be able to catch up a bit with the kids in school?  We'll see.  :)

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