Monday, August 19, 2013

It Begins...

Three of the kids had their first day of school today, then J and M start on Wednesday, and Abi will start kindergarten next Monday. Kinda nice to have it broken up like this to help me ease into it. With her older siblings gone now, Lily apparently feels the need to take it up a notch on her end to make sure I still get enough messes. Whilst I was nursing the baby this morning, I was informed that she had gotten a red permanent marker and expressed herself creatively. Luckily it was only on herself and a mirror in the hall. 
It came of her face ok for our first run through in the bath, but Lily still doesn't get to go out in public today. I haven't tried to get it off the hall mirror yet, but I think the magic eraser will be able to take care of it easily enough. I must say I was impressed with her spelling...
She wrote Abi's name on her legs, since that is the word she sees the most as her and Abi draw pictures together. Pretty good for a 4 year old, and that she did it upside down. (Abi denies it, but it makes me slightly suspicious that Abi was her accomplice.)

So, nothing else going on here. A few things from over the weekend though, we had a mother and two baby dear in our yard which everyone was excited about.
On Saturday Corey invited a recently arrived family from Brazil over for a BBQ - it was someone he knew from teaching the GMAT there, I first met him there when we went to Brazil in 2007.  The men enjoyed cooking up the meat outside and we ladies admired the baby inside, while the kids ran around crazy.
And lastly, Natalie was given a blessing at church yesterday, love this little angel!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the marker. Made me tear up from laughing. Wow I'm glad my kids (knock on wood) keep markers only on paper.
