Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Baby Harness

When Natalie was born, they did all their little newborn exam things, and her hips didn't pass the test they did to see if they were in joint, both of her hips slid a little bit when they pushed on them, aka Hip Click or Hip Dysplasia. So she's gone in for 2 appointments with an Orthopedic and she's had an ultrasound, they said to come back in 4 weeks so they could see if it fixed itself on it's own. Well, she had her follow up ultrasound and doctor appointment today, and her right hips has corrected itself, but the left one is still over half out of the socket, so....
 Into the baby harness she goes.
Looks slightly uncomfortable. She has to wear this for 4 weeks (20 hours a day) and then after her follow-up hopefully everything will be normal and she'll be free to go. Now that the cool fall weather is here, I'll just have her wear some light sleeper pjs and that should keep her from getting scratched or irritated by any of the velcro. She's being a good sport. So hopefully the hip dyspasia should fix itself in another 4 weeks. Until then, the harness looks like a big deal and so I know she will be getting lots of extra sympathy and kisses and love from her siblings. I'm sure their hearts will break for her when the see her after school - "Oh! Poor Natalie!!!!" Pretty baby.

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