Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Mel was holding Natalie on Sunday, then she wasn't, and I asked her where Natalie was ~ "She's asleep on your bed." I go to check on her...
Melodie seems to have felt that Natalie wanted to play dress up. Well, she is a Sleeping Beauty, so I guess it's appropriate.

Later that night, Lily was playing with the princess barbies and she tells me about her game ~ "They are having a birthday party..."
"...but she (below) can't come... cause she doesn't have any clothes..." 
 " she asked her mom if she could take a bath.... forever..."

I thought that was really funny. Yup. You don't have any clothes you say? Well, it's into a tub you go for the rest of your life until you can find some. I told the other kids what she said and then we all shared some "Lily said this" stories. Ethan said that he and Joseph were goofing off around Lily sometime last week and she was getting annoyed with them. When she'd had enough, she scolded them as she stomped out of the room saying "You guys are killing my life!!" We all thought that was cute. And here's one more. Lily and Abi were drawing pictures, Abi drew a picture of Lily's Zebra stuffed animal and didn't like how it turned out and so she crossed it out with an x afterwards. Lily was very upset, "Abi! You break-ted my heart AND you're breaking my feelings!!" Abi replied "But I will draw a better one..." Lily paused then quietly said "...better? (another pause) OK! Abi  now you fixed my heart!" Lily went back to her drawing and happily said to herself with a giggle "Hehe! All fixed!"

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