Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bad Ultrasound

Natalie had her hip ultrasound thing yesterday after wearing her harness for the past 4 weeks. If things looked good then she'd be set free. But she didn't pass. Her left hip was still under 50% in the hip socket and whatever angle they measured was still below 60 degrees, so we didn't get any high fives from the doctor and she has to wear her harness atleast for another 4 weeks. Blast. Only difference is that for these 4 weeks she can have up to 6 hours of a break instead of just 4. But I hardly did even the 4 hours, I just left it on her all the time and would let her kick around after diaper changes & baths.

So I was speaking to her last night about her results and tried to make sure that she understood that she did not pass her test, in fact she got a very low grade, she got a D, which is less than average and she was, therefore, in big trouble. I am going to have to tell your father about this...
And Natalie, you know your father's punishments, right?
He'll probably start off with the bend you in half and squish your cheeks with your feet.
Followed by eating your little neck to bits. And a few bites of your chubby tummy.
After enduring her tickle torture session, I trust that she will work hard to see that her score improves by her next doctor visit. I really hate going to the doctor's office. I didn't see the doctor until 90 minutes after our appointment. It was not busy at all, 2 people before me and I was there on time for my appointment at 10, didn't see him until 11:30. Yes, an hour and a half late (see :55). I was getting a little flustered. This is not Valley Forge though, so we shall keep our chins up. I listened to a great devotional address today by Ramona Hopkins titled "Finding the Meaning in Adversity" that helped me gain some perspective, after listening to the first 5 minutes of that I knew that I have nothing to complain about. We are blessed and I love these beautiful children, thank you Lord.


  1. That first picture of Natalie is precious. She has gotten even more cuter in the last 3 weeks.

  2. Very lovely life,you are enjoying a lot with 9 kids.
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