Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lego Man

While the kids were getting creative with paints over the weekend, Wesley got an idea that he wants to be a lego for Halloween. With Melodie helping him, they made a lego head out of a cardboard box, tape, hot glue, and spray paint. They made cardboard lego hands for it, too. Everyone wanted a turn trying it on. Sophi was afraid of whoever had it on. Ethan wanted to see if he could practice his saxophone with it ~
Funny Ethan. Saxophones work, yay for the boys. Not the flute, too bad for Mel.

Pretty funny. Part of me wanted/wants to get the kids some better supplies and help them make it look more realistic, but at the same time, if Wes is happy with it how it is, why make more work for myself. We can always take it up a step next year. Thus we see the reason why the younger siblings always get things that are a step up in quality from that which their older siblings enjoyed. They get the good ideas rolling and we try to perfect it for the next generation. We'll try to help so they can make a cylinder head next time. But they did great on their own, good job Wes and Mel!

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