Monday, October 7, 2013

Conference Weekend

We enjoyed listening to General Conference this weekend. The kids sometimes watched the broadcast on the tv with Corey and me, sometimes they played legos and listened to it on the radio. 
A few of them dozed off a few times. Natalie was awake and alert the whole first session and seemed to be paying more attention that the rest of the children, it was pretty cute. They got distracted dressing her up in Sophi's Halloween costume.
Later Corey got her to laugh more than a few times as he nibbled on her neck.
Saturday night, the men headed down to Temple Square for Priesthood session. They boys really look forward to hanging out with their uncles and cousins and Grandpa Hibbert, especially cause Grandpa treats them all to dinner at the Lion House afterwards, it's a fun tradition. Corey snapped a few pictures of the street preachers who come to Salt Lake during conference.
Here at home, Melodie entertained me with her usual goofy-ness
There are too many good quotes and thoughts to share. Of course Elder Christofferson is always one of our favorites as he and his lovely wife are our neighbors. The Deseret News has a good compiliation of quotes (Loved Elder Oaks talk!)
On Sunday after General Conference was over, my side of the family came over to our house for a potluck dinner and to chit chat about our favorite talks.
The kids enjoyed having their little cousins around and of course attacking uncle Matt. He got a break for a few minutes when he held Natalie. He and Abi played a "I got your glasses" stealing game.
Love General Conference, all 10 hours of it ~ It feeds my soul. I'm looking forward to studying the messages over the next 6 months until next Conference. :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy comment to overshadow the jealously I feel at not being there too.
