Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fun Run Winner

Today was a big day for Joseph, for today was the Churchill 5K Fun Run. The pressure was on, albeit self imposed, but he delivered. He ran THE WHOLE TIME and finished the 3.1 miles in 21 minutes. That is fast, and with that speedy running this young man got first place, and not just first place in the 8th grade boys category, but first place overall - as in over the whole school, ninth graders included!
When we were chatting as I prepared dinner, he was waiting for me to ask about how it went, and it was cute cause he was trying not to be overanxious to tell me, but I could tell he was hiding a smile and trying to . Good job Joseph, you worked hard. This is his first trophy that actually means something to him (compared to "MVP" soccer and basketball trophies he's received). So impressed Joseph. You're an animal.

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