Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Strawberry Shortcake Surprise

Well we did another dessert Parfait thing last night for Family Home Evening and it was a hit yet again. Strawberry shortcake this time around, and we also swapped out the pudding for ice cream, which I think we all like more than pudding. I made these while everyone watched the second episode of Studio C. Doesn't Natalie look cutely pathetic sitting there on the couch in her harness? Poor baby. Hopefully her ultrasound next week turns out good and this will be here last week of being spreadeagle.
(Lily, don't pick your nose)
Ok everybody, come and get it! What do you think Sophi?
(I love how she holds her spoon at the very end of the handle.) 
Here below is the page of pudding parfaits in my recipe book - I think I cut these all out of a Family Fun magazine years ago.
Don't those look good? There are all sorts of possibilities! And I think one thing that makes the kids so excited about it is how visually tempting it is through the clear glass cups - it looks pretty and it looks yummy, so the anticipation of eating it is half the fun. :)

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