Monday, November 25, 2013

#1 Fan

On date night last Friday night, Corey and I went to Kneaders. Natalie accompanied us. I couldn't find her official binki (the one with the strap that I can clip to her so it doesn't fall on the floor when she spits it out) so I grabbed a stray, only to find that I'd already had lots of strays in my purse, then I found her official binki in her carseat, so Natalie had lots of backup - definitely prepared for an emergency! As we were chatting after dinner, I watched her play with the binkis, then I played with them with her too and I discovered that her little finger fits nicely in the binki hole, isn't that cute?
 ~ Corey asked her "Are you ready for the big football game?"
Let's hear you cheer "We're Number One!"
Look at that cute little tongue...
Ok, that's all I'll share right now of the hundreds of pictures that I take of her each day.
She's my #1 fan, and I'm her biggest fan too!

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