Friday, November 22, 2013

Beholding Cottage Cheese

Earlier in the week, I sat Sophia down at the counter with a bowl of cottage cheese. I went to work at the computer and when I returned to check on her, she was quietly sitting and very earnestly attempting to put cottage cheese on her arm.
She was very serious about it. I wondered what was going on in that little head of hers. She was fully present with her cottage cheese...
After scooping a little spoonful of it on to her arm, she carefully swirled it around, perhaps painting with it or hydrating her skin? Was she just amazed with the texture or liked seeing the matter of clumps compared to the liquid?
I don't know, but it intrigued me and made me slow down to try and see what it was she was seeing... it's good to be still and to live in the now. And on top of that, the cottage cheese doubles as food!
So I enjoyed slowing down for that brief moment, I probably need to spend a bit more time being still and quieting my mind. I loved this BYU speech that was rebroadcast on Wednesday, especially her words about "being present". On Wednesday I drove Joseph to his band practice in Utah County. I took Natalie and Sophia, who both fell asleep on the drive down. After dropping Joseph off at 4:00, I just sat in the car and read and thought for an hour and a half, it was nice and refreshing. I was still and present. I made some plans regarding my schedule and our family's routine (which went along with another devotional talk that was rebroadcast yesterday about Time, need to review that one, it was good. I just love the devotionals, they are on tv each day at 11:00 and are usually part of my daily routine). Anyway, with our schedule we have to get together and make sure everyone gets done with homework and music earlier so little Sophi knows the day is winding down and we can get her to bed earlier... poor thing thinks we're torturing her when we have her lay down to bed ~ there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of little teeth. Although it does occasionally give me some time in the mornings to blog. It is now 9:30 a.m. and I'm going to go wake her up. I'm glad we have a break next week with Thanksgiving. Things are busy, but good. Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how busy the days can get (especially with a lot of kids to take care of... and their schedules). I love to peak in on you and see how you handle it. Gives me some inspiration! :) I think you are a brilliant mom!
