Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Baby Love

Natalie was fussing around one morning when I was taking carpool. When I came home, Corey was holding her and singing her a song to the tune of "You are my Sunshine" ~
Your life is easy 
You have no problems
It's time to show us some gratitude
We feed your face and
We change your diaper
Please try to be in a good mood.

So we tell Natalie we love her through songs, squeezes, kisses, and by taking hundreds of pictures of her cute face. The kids take my camera and take lots of pictures, that one above was taken by Ethan. And she tells us she loves us too, in her own special way. She told Ethan a big "I LOVE YOU!" last night... I was in the room with Ethan and Natalie, he was holding her on the bed, then he started to scream bloody murder cause something had happened... I came over to see. "Take her! Take her! Ahh!" Ok, I'll take her, just sec, let me get the camera... So this is how they were at first...
And this was how Natalie said Thank you to Ethan for spending time with her...
And today as I held her and did stuff at the computer (typing up the above story), she told me she loves me too. Take a picture! I probably take too many pictures (see 1:45, also 2:30... "I have more pictures of my children than my father ever looked at me...")
So anyway, I guess it's time to buy the next size up, size 3 already, time goes by too fast. By the way, it means she really really loves you if she poops on your left pant leg, so she really really loves Ethan and me. 
We love you Natalie!!

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