Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mop the Kitchen

Last night Sophi spilled grape juice all over the foor during dinner. We wiped it up with paper towels, but I didn't get around to washing it all off. Then today at lunch she spilled two glasses of milk... Abi and Lily didn't finish drinking their milk and left it for Sophi to play with. Apparently she got bored, and thus decided to try again to give me a reason to mop.
She sat there on the stool swinging her little leg back and forth to see if she could get it through the milk stream without getting dripped on. I did not cry over this spilled milk. I was glad for the excuse to make washing the floor the top priority on my to-do list. Thank you, you pretty girl.

So as I was cleaning it up, I was thinking once again of how I haven't found a good mop. I've tried the Swiffer route, the regular sponge mop, neither of those cut it. The one I use mostly right now is a dry/wet mop thing that I can wash in the laundry, it's pretty good, but if anyone has one they love, I'd love the recommendation. I usually take care of spills like these with old bath or hand towels, and try to wash the rest of the floor a bit before another emergency comes around to take top priority.

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