Friday, December 13, 2013

Ballet, Bombs, & Bullies

Yesterday was a busy crazy day. Two school Christmas concerts that overlapped at two different schools, we had to divide and conquer. It was also Melodie's birthday and there was also a special activity at her ballet at 5, it was tricky trying to fit it all in.
Her ballet party was a surprise "Pointe Party" ~
She and the girls in her class are advancing to pointe shoes.
It was a beautiful and amazing party, wow. Gave me some ideas of crafts and decorations I could do for the girls room which is in need of some attention. Any attention.
Our whole house could use a lot of attention actually, I wonder if that mom is for hire?

Random funny thing - Lily was eating a "Cutie" orange yesterday, but called it a "Chubby". 
We all thought that was precious. I tried to get a picture of Lily to share that thought with, but she and the boys were too busy photo bombing each other for me to get a good one. I saw this list of animal photobombing, made me laugh.
One more random thought - Yesterday Ethan was accused of being a bully at school by a teacher, and as a result it seems to have caused him to feel bullied by that teacher and by some of his friends (he was chastised in front of the class and kids were mad at him). He was in tears not wanting to go to school today but did after we had a talk and I gave him a few hugs, I'm hoping he has a good day. He's our sensitive kid. I read this blog post today about how moms/parents can kinda be the one that's a bully, I think I'm often too hard on him, have been since he was my little Calvin of a toddler that drove me bonkers (refer to my 2008 Mother's Day card from him). Just too mischievous, made me crazy. I was a frazzled woman back in those days though. Not any more right? haha. One time when he was like four years old he was sick and thus calm and docile for once and we were having a nice quiet morning for a change and I was being kind and attentive to him. I wrote in my journal that he said "I like it when I'm sick." Thinking that being sick was a silly thing for a little boy to like, I asked him "Why do you like being sick?" and he replied "Because then you are nice to me!" Doh! I'm going to do better.

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